Food & Lycra Run Rotterdam, BRB!


It's only been a couple months since Kim and Laura's half marathon in Paris, but we are off again for another race! food and lycra rotterdam 10k

We are heading to Amsterdam this evening for the 10km Race in Rotterdam on Sunday - my first race EVER, and officially the first 10k Food and Lycra race **pops champagne**!

Our sister Jahira will be cheering us along, and as soon as we finish our race we will be cheering on Laura's boothang Jeroen and Akeem as they take on the almighty full marathon.

Rotterdam promises us decent weather on raceday so you know we will be catching those rays as we breeze through the race LOL.

Jokes and suntans aside, I am pretty scared to do the race. As this is my first, I have no idea what to expect. I'm not worried so much about the distance, but more about actually participating in the race itself - which is why I am so grateful to be doing this alongside the pros Kim and Laura! WAH. WAH. WAH.

Rotterdam 10k food and lycra

Wish us luck and go head guys - cheer us on virtually!

Look out for our post race day updates on the blog soon, and, as usual, you can follow the majority of our activities in 'dam on mine, Kim's, Laura's and Food and Lycra's Instagram because you all know how much we love that shit.

Bye voor nu (a likkle Dutch for ya)!