Our Next Challenge: Tough Mudder


We completed our first mud race, Mud N Madness, in February, and in just over a week's time we will be taking part in our next mud race: Tough Mudder - The OG, The Big Daddy, The Don, of Obstacle Course Races. Tough Mudder Food and Lycra

This 10-12 miles (oh HELLO half marathon distance) course makes Mud n Madness’ 7.5 km look like a walk in the park on a rainy day.

As fun as the race was - with all the running through woods, synchronised rowing in the river (we were actually quite good at this!) and archery - it has now dawned on us that this is more like a kid’s version of a mud race…did we mention bouncing down Heartbreak Hill on SPACEHOPPERS?! SO. MUCH. FUN.

Looking back now, I seriously have no idea what possessed us, and me especially, to turn all the talk into action and actually sign up for Tough Mudder. We were clearly high on endorphins after a crazy work out and overly gassed by their great promo video (we must of watched this like 20 times) giving us that “YEAHH LETS DO IT!! **POUNDS CHEST**” confidence to sign up.

Jokes aside, back in November we signed up for Mud n Madness alongside Spartanfam as a taster for the biggie Tough Mudder. It was fun and challenging all at the same time, and we pulled through together as Food and Lycra sisters. After the race we felt a great sense of achievement, and with 4 months until Tough Mudder, we genuinely thought there was enough time to train and be ready for the race come June.

Mud n Madness

Till this day, I still haven’t run that distance, let alone through mud, fire, ice, water and 10,000 volts of electricity.

Training came to a halt over the last few months as we struggled to balance all the travelling and smaller races we were participating in. But, with a few weeks until THE TOUGHEST CHALLENGE ON THE PLANET, we are going to be fully back on track with building up our strength, and stamina with regular intense training. We are determined to pass the finish line before the cleaners come in LOL.

The race is going to consist of 25 obstacles: Horrible, horrible tests of the body and mind type obstacles. We are scared shitless, and with the race just around the corner, we can't do anything now but laugh!! Laughing at our eager beaver selfs, at our stupidity...basically an attempt to laugh off our fears!

Are we ready for the toughest physical challenge of our lives? The answer is no, but we are determined to finish it and we are most definitely going to have a laugh doing it.

Checking something off our bucket list, saying we actually completed the race, overcoming our fears and taking from it unforgettable memories, what more could we want?

Oh. Totes looking forward to wearing that orange sweatband with pride.

We hope you guys will cheer us on virtually when the day comes, because trust us when we say we need all the support we can get!

Here are a few obstacles which we are most fearful off:

Laura on The Electroshock Therapy:

Tough Mudder

This obstacle is the last one of the race. Basically we are supposed to sprint through a field of live wires — some carrying as much as 10,000 volts of electric shock. And, apparently we are guaranteed to get zapped with as much as 10,000 volts of electricity and it does NOT tickle. NO WAYYYYY! LOL. Bruv I'm running for my life! I might even get a PB running through that.

Please watch this video, it made me laugh so much. I played it on repeat so many times and each time I was in stitches. But this is what could happen to any one of us. It's funny to watch but this poor dude wasn't laughing...

I guess it's a way to make me feel better to laugh my fears away. Being electrocuted is one thing I'm really scared of. I have been before and bloody hell it hurts (nothing major, just me being stupid at that time)!

Kim on Mount Everest:

tough mudder, mount everest

I was so casual about this before, but then I saw this...


FACE-FRICKING-PLANT! The way he couldn't even say anything to his friend, some walk of shame back only to go and try do it again. Mate... I will die if I go head first into this! Game over, party dun, K.O., Kim will not be completing the race unless you drag her through.

Seriously this thing already looks scary when I see skateboarders on it, but running up it with our trainers already covered in mud will be a joke. To make things a little bit more "fun" the guys at Tough Mudder top up Mount Everest with a layer of grease and mud. This obstacle should just be called "PEAK". I'm hoping some of our sprint practice will help us out with this one because the only way we can get up this is with serious speed!

Rachel on Twinkle Toes

Tough Mudder Twinkle Toes

This sounds like the easiest obstacle out of the 25 we have to go through, with its little cute name making it sound like something a kid can do. HA - nice one Tough Mudder. This is going to be a test of balance and agility as you try and walk a narrow wooden plank, one foot in front of another, as fast as possible without falling into an ice cold pool of artificially coloured water. If you know me you will know a couple of things:

  1. I Have No Balance - I may practice yoga and sometimes it does require us to get into a few balance poses...a few of them on one leg...which I do attempt but more often than not, I am unsuccessful. I can't balance standing still, how am I seriously going to balance walking across that tiny beam?!
  2. I Can't Walk In A Straight Line - Ask any of my friends, I seriously can't walk in a straight line. I always seem to veer off to the left/right and end up walking forward...diagonally. I also do this when I run, and pisses certain running buddies off (ahem Laura LOL). How am I going to walk straight across a beam?!
  3. I Hate Cold Water - I guess no one "likes" cold water, but seriously I hate it. No matter how hot it is, I will never ever opt for a cold shower. I hate that shock to the system, and no matter what anyone tells me "getting used to the cold" is not enjoyable! Not in the shower, and not on the beach. And most definitely not during Twinkle Toes - even if they try and jazz it up with fancy colouring.
  4. I Fear Hurting My Flower -  I ride a bike with a straight bar. I've cycled through pot holes, I've fallen suddenly on that straight bar. That shit hurts. Imagine I fall off the beam and my legs are open. Need I say more.

And, this could happen. L-O-L!!

Saturday, June 8th. Food and Lycra takes on Tough Mudder. We need your support, and your cheers! Wish us luck guys...