Great Running Reads: Comics, Children Marathon Runners & Remembering Our First Run


There are so many interesting articles online about running and fitness - motivating, inspiring, and sometimes jaw-dropping and debatable.

Running Quote

I come across a lot of articles and spend a lot of my spare time just reading and discovering more. I share what I find interesting with my friends, and they share with me. Sometimes you come across articles so good you just want to share it with everyone in the world, and currently my closest connection with the world is via Twitter. I share it on Twitter in the hopes of having that one person acknowledge the greatness of the piece, but alas…not everyone who follows me will have the same interests of reading a comic about running nor about the oldest female triathlete. And, even fewer click through to links, no matter how enticing the tweet is e.g. “OMDAYZ She’s 70 and completed the IRONMAN Triathlon!!” (I work in Social Media, it’s not an easy gig, people don’t like to click that much).

In the end, these articles just stay in my bookmarks lost amongst all the others.

So now, instead of bombarding Twitter and bookmarking my life away I’m going to write a little roundup of the articles I have come across this week :D.

The Terrible & Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances” – A funny comic by illustrator Matthew Inman about his most memorable run and why he runs. He runs to eat, Food and Lycra relates to this guy.

Children of the Marathon Recall a Forgotten Time” – An oldie, but a goldie from The New York Times. A feature about 3 children marathon runners from the late 70’s who all completed the New York Marathon before the age of 10. TEN. TEN TA RASS. At age 15, one of the boys, Wesley Paul, finished the Houston Marathon in 2 hours 38 minutes. Do you know what I was doing at 15? Hiding from P.E. teachers. Not sure how I feel about children marathon runners, but this is a great read.

The First…” – By Charlie Dark, Founder of Run Dem Crew. The guy with the stories, the words and the knowledge to inspire everyone around him - one of the few people I know who is able to have an effect on every person he meets. Nothing but good words for this man, and I’m sure everyone who has ever met him will say the same thing. He wrote a touching email full of truths the other day, which was also shared on RDC’s FB page. Your First Run, do you remember it? Remember that feeling and carry it with you, and never forget why you run and how far you have come.

Charlie Dark

Britain's oldest female triathlete: what's her secret?” – I do love reading The Guardian’s Running Blog, especially for articles like this. Eddie Brocklesby is 70, started running at 52 and discovered how therapeutic it was, especially after her husband died. She also just completed the Ironman Triathlon as the oldest woman in the UK to complete it. What a G.

Where are all the fast women runners?” – Hold up what?! Another reason why I love reading The Guardian’s Running Blog, because they like to stir shit up and cause a debate by publishing opinionated pieces like this. Whatever gets people talking I guess. This journalist suggests that there are a lot less “serious” female runners out there, with many not willing to push themselves to see what their full potential is (unlike her who is “in the top 150 of half marathons run this year in my age group”). A subject touched upon many times, but still highly debatable. It caused a bit of a stir on Twitter when I posted to F&L, what are your thoughts?

Meditation In Action: How To Turn Running Into A Mindfulness Practice” – A Huffington Post piece shared on RDC’s Facebook group about ways to meditate your mind whilst running. You might say this is some hippy hooha, but why not try it next time you go for a run? Free you mind and your body will follow.

"Nike Minus" - not so much a 'great running read' but it's jokes. A Russian Agency made Nike Minus, basically the opposite of the much loved Nike Plus Running app lol! Also, takes the piss out of Nike Fuel with their very own Nike Fool.

That’s all I have for now! Check them all out, check out the ones which grab your attention, scan read it or just look at the pictures – whatever you like, but I’m sure you will find one which will interest you. There are many articles like these out there waiting to be discovered, so if you have any feel free to share them with us!

Sometimes, you just have to read about someone else’s story to give you that little kick up the backside to get you moving, and to stop telling yourself you can’t do it. We are all capable of doing anything, and I for one definitely need a bit of a kick at the moment LOL! Gurlll gottta keep moving yo, these upcoming half marathons aren’t going to run themselves *pray for me*.